RFFlow 5 Professional Flowcharting

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Cross-Functional Map

Cross-Functional Process Map - Jeep Repair

The cross-functional map shown above is part of process mapping. Process mapping consists of three different kinds of charts: Maps and flowcharts help people understand a work process. They make the tasks, interfaces, inputs, and outputs more visible. Analyzing a process map may help reduce cycle time, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

To download and modify this cross-functional map, see the Drawing Instructions below.

The above cross-functional map shows the steps when a customer decides to have her Jeep repaired. Several departments are involved before the repair is completed and paid for. The white boxes show what each department did during that step. The lines show the inputs and outputs. These inputs and outputs may be documents, purchase orders, invoices, or physical parts.

In a cross-functional map the customer, departments and external companies are listed on the left. They are separated by dotted lines so it is easy to see which department does which step. The dotted lines look like the swim lanes in a pool and some people refer to these as swim lane charts. The steps are connected by arrows to show the order the steps are performed. The flow is generally from left to right. The lines are labeled with the input or output of each step.
Drawing Instructions
If you haven't already done so, first download the free trial version of RFFlow. It will allow you to open any chart and make modifications.

Once RFFlow is installed, you can open the above chart in RFFlow by clicking on cross-functional-process-map.flo. Then follow these steps: To draw this chart without downloading it, run RFFlow and use the Sample Stencil.
See also: Process Mapping

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